
HuiJuan Lee

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hi everybody
i have made a pact with myself to blog more often :-)
well all i can think or talk or blog about is how disappointed i am in myself.
i only passed 3 subjects this term.
and i studied harder than never before in my life.
so....... it's freaking demoralising.
but i know i'm not the only one who feels this way.
it's hard to try to study even harder when who knows it might not even work,
and instead of doing well it backfires and you score marks worse than ever.
it's too scary to imagine.
but sometimes we just have to try again.
because without trying again you will lose a good opportunity to prove yourself.

ok, bye guys i am going to nap HHAHAHAHA (so much for studying hard for next term)

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