
HuiJuan Lee

Monday, October 24, 2011

i bet half of you reading this have at least 1 sibling.
well then half of those might be a middle child.
and almost every single middle child will have to bear with middle child syndrome
oh god i can't explain how much it hurts to bear with this biasness
no one can actually tell if a kid is suffering from all these hurt because it's not written on our faces, and for me, i try to make the best of my time in school/whenever i'm out of the house because that's when i truly feel loved and appreciated.
just to let you know, my parents treat my brother like a king.
i am not even exaggerating, how i wish i was.
and he treats my mum like shit.
he talks to her as if he was the superior, and as if he were wasting his time just talking to her, do you know i can sense 100% irritation and impatience in his voice?
he is so fucking lucky and yet he treats everyone like shit
both my parents are also middle children, like me they are the 3rd, i don't know if they're taking out on me or just plain being unfair.
but why me?
why am i so unlucky? what did i do to deserve this?
it hurts like shit to know that you are accused of everything even when you didn't do anything but breathe and blink and swallow saliva

i will never treat my kids this way.
actually i don't ever plan to get married/have kids, i would be sparing a life from being so miserable, i'll just keep lots of pets and shower them with love the way i was never treated.

please never be bias to anyone, please i'm begging you.

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