
HuiJuan Lee

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My loves

Hi my lovely 14 babies *inserts baby emoji* <3
i'm dedicating a short paragraph to each of you :-)

i've known you since p5!!! and we've been in the same cca since sec 1, and we really became much closer since late last year. you had your hard times then and now, and i really hate seeing you sad/bothered. because i can tell you, you deserve more than you get, but i'm in no position to comment about that hahahaha. what's important is that i really love you a lot. i still recall last year you didn't feel like you fit in well to your clique, and i kept pestering you to join us???? and you FINALLY listened when we were in the same class this year HAHAHA tsk u so stubborn sia. your happiness and joy just rubs off on the people around you, and i'm super thankful for that :-) you are one lucky girl bcuz you are skinny + beautiful inside & out. HAHAH i love you ok!!! i'll always be here if you need someone, #nokidding. i love you so much beautiful wong <3 (something wong HEHE)

ohhhh god, where do i start????? U R SO !(@)*&&(#^!^*@!+@_!+_!(@*@&! BEAUTIFUL. LIKE REALLY BEAUTIFUL. INSIDE AND OUT. REALLY. I AM NOT KIDDING. i've only known you UP CLOSE this year, and i'm glad i did, because i can finally tell you about how beautiful you are. i know you're having a hard time, and sometimes you feel as if you've fallen into a pit hole and you've got no way to climb back up to the surface. totally stuck and helpless. well, *PLAYS THEMESONG* HUIJUAN IS HERE 4 YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no, seriously. i would be more than happy to help you up, even if it means taking off all my clothes to form a rope ladder for you to climb up with. HAHAHAHHA OK TMI HAHAHAHHA. because i never want to see you sad. and trust me, you just don't know how my heartbreaks seeing you sad, and when you cry, i feel like crying too. i love you so much my love, like i said earlier, you are beautiful <3

YOU ARE ONE OF THE ADORABLE-EST PEOPLE I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE!!!!!!! you never fail to make me smile with one of those viber texts/ texts/ tweets when i'm feeling really low, and you are probably the only one who does bother to cheer me up from time to time :-) remember in sec 1 i sat beside you? and you sort-of thought i was annoying? HAHAH and my black and blue screen nokia phone. HAHAHA RMB??? you are so lovable, you are loved by so many people around you, you know? and even when things don't work out at home, YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR FAMILY IN SCHOOL. and you are not fat. not at all. i swear i'm much fatter compared to you, i swear. you are perfect, your height is perfect, your weight is perfect, your face is perfect, but what's most important, is that your heart is perfect. your simply random 'i love you' to the me and the people around you, brings a whole gush of warmth to our hearts, and smiles to our faces, really. i love you so much tiongximsista1314, you are more beautiful than you think <3

I LOVE SITTING NEXT TO YOU. you are so wonderful to sit next to, it's just perfect to sit next to you!! we can never stop talking about things (whether good or bad, funny or lame, weird or just out of this world). i LOVE your company, i really love being around you. i hate how you say that you're ugly, because you're not. you are definitely not. you have a beautiful smile, when i see you smile i have to smile back, because it's as if i'm an automatic door and you're approaching me, i have to open up. HAHAH sorry i have weird analogies. you never fail to listen to my rants and problems, i really love it when you rub away my tears from my cheeks, because nobody does that to me :-) you've changed so much over the years, and you've changed so much for the better, and plus your mr special hehehehehehe, i'm so happy for you!!! i love you so much freda, you r beautiful and not forgetting, hotlikemexico <3

Val, i love you. i love you so much i feel like going to the beach to shout "WO AI NI VALDEREE" like in chinese dramas, NO WAIT, I'LL FLY TO ENGLAND TO ASK HARRISON TO COME MARRY YOU HERE IN SG, ok i'll go do that, maybe tmr, i'm sleepy today. HAHAHAHA. you are such a perfect friend. I HATE HOW YOUR SISTER TREATS YOU LIKE CRAP. I HATE HER. SHE IS SUCH A *************************************************************************************************************************************. BUT NVM YOU HAVE TERRY. AND ME. and not forgetting snowy!!!! *cheekoface* i am so thankful that you introduced me to tumbleweed because now you've got me addicted!!! and we are such fangirls HAHAHA. i really like your laughter you know, it's so adorable :-) and when you start laughing, you take a reeeeeeeeeeeally loooooooooong time to stop HAHAHAHAHA. don't be inferior to your sisters ok, you are perfect, just in your own special way, why try to be like them when you can be you????? the one that snowy and i love so much??!??!?! just keep that in mind ok? because juanjuan says you are beautiful & she loves valval so much <3

i'm so sorry for last time jojo, i really am, actually i still haven't forgiven myself hahahaha. i'm so sorry. it's just that, you have a similar trait to my brother and i really hate my brother because my parents favour him so much, and don't give a shit about me. i'm so sorry, it was super selfish of me. actually as i got to know you better and better, you are NOTHING like that asshole. you are so lovable and touchy!!! HAHAH you love to touch people don't you?? ;-) i love how michelle and you are practically like sisters because you guys get all kidding-ly angsty at each other, than say 'i love you michelle' or 'i love you jocelyn' just to 'apologise' in case one of you guys pretend to get angry HAHAHAH. i can tell it's hard for you at home too, but like what i told mich earlier, you will always have a family in school, even though we're not perfect but we can shower you with all our love :-) you are such a simple person who is so beautiful, with a perfect personality, i love you so much mojojojorawks <3

I LOVE YOU CARA. I remember the first time i saw you was at church, with zann!! and i thought you looked super scary, like super duper scary like you could kill me HAHAHAHA just kiddingggggg. and i remember you said i look scary too, BUT NOOOO I'M NOT AT ALL!!!!! i'm so glad bob and you joined our clique because it has added so much new joy and perspective to our clique :-) when you're angry or upset, i am really scared of you like reeeeaaaallly scared. but when you're your usual self most of the time, you are such a happy, fun, lovable cara and i really like your laughter too!!! HHEHEHEHEH. oh yes, YOU BEAT PEOPLE REALLY PAINFULLY T__T you should join volleyball, would you like to join us next year????? HAHAHA. but i look up to you cara, you are a great role model, and how i wish you were my sister. you are beautiful & i love u cara, so much <3

Vanvan!!!!!!!! i suddenly thought of your stone face, i used to think it's scary, but now to think of it, it's actually quite adorable!!!! ^^ Vanna, you are so wonderful, you're always lightening up the mood when it's sad and quiet. And i love the way you pronounce certain words!! it's so..... VANNA!!!!! and i love you this way, please don't change just because people tell you to, i love you for who you are :-) you are happy like 99.9% of the time you're awake and i look up to you for that, that's harder than you think you know? and i'm so glad you always give me your random hugs and 'i love you hj's. well it's my turn you beautiful girl, i shall give you a *virtual hug* and a I LOVE YOU VANNA!!!! <3

how long have we known each other? it's been 7 years!!! that's really long....... it's like half our lives so far!!! i'm so glad i've known you for so long :-) we've had so many great memories together, like our 'doggy christmas' rmb? and US BATHING TGT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA remember your ass in front of my face??? HAHAHAHAHAH omg this should be censored, but i don't care, it was one of our best memories :-) this year however, was really rough for us. and i'm really really sad that the roughness kind of brought us apart instead of the other way round. but i'm happy as long as i see you happy, wherever you are, whoever you're with :-) and just to assure you, nobody will ever be able to replace you in the special space in my heart dedicated to - brandi foo, my best friend for so many years, doing the silliest things together. you are so beautiful, & i promise i'll never replace you. i love you foofoo <3

hananananananananananannananah!!!!!!! you are so adorable!!!! remember our personal joke about someone's hair looking like bee hoon???? HAHAHAHAHAHA, i was so grossed out!!!!! you have such a contagious laugh you know!! when you laugh, i can't help but laugh along. MAYBE IT'S A DISEASE!!!!! :-O NAH JUST KIDDING HAHAHAHA. well, i know that you're not a person who shares things with your friends, but if you were to open up, i will always be there, you can always look for me the first if you need a shoulder to cry on (because i have ginormous broad shoulders) or anyone just to simply talk to. i would definitely understand if you wouldn't like to share it with me, but just to tell you, my arms are always open :-) and i love you hannah, you are gorgeous <3

hey partner ;-) you are one lucky girl you know? to have a perfect lover ;-) i love how you love making people laugh/smile, how loud you are and how my ear drums sting after hearing you shout out an answer in class. HAHAHAH, i miss that so much now, i don't think we'll ever get to sit next to each other ever again :-( but you know i'll still love you the same right? hehehehehehehe, i love you beautiful girl, you are so skinny + beautiful = you're perfect to me.

BOB THE BUILDER!!! CAN YOU FIX IT??? BOB THE BUILDER, YES WE CAN!!! bob i love you. i'm so sorry we had an invincible wall between us last time, and just so you know, i really have NOTHING against you, nothing at all. i really hope we can become closer than we already are, because i know you are such a lovely person, and your laughter is simply adorable!!!! ^^ just as i wrote in cara's part, i am so glad that you and cara had joined our clique, because it has made it so perfect and whole, that we've become so strong, and you are really so perfect bob, in your own way. you are beautiful and so damn funny, i love you bob <3

YO BRO, WASSUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so glad you've joint our clique too!!!! now we have 14 of us!!! no longer the 'unlucky' 13!!!! you are one lucky girl too you know?? to have a perfect lover? ;-) i'm not like super duper close to you, but you are dayummmm cute HAHAHAHAH like in the sister/bro way (please don't be angry at me celine) HAHAHA. and omg your dog is adorable too!!!!!! and i also think you are beautiful ^^ & i love you as much as i love every single one of the other 12 <3

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