
HuiJuan Lee

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My dad

Hi everyone, i know this is a really neglected blog.... sorry my dear blog :(
just busy with O levels and everything else....
but i just really wanted to share this with everyone.

I really look up to my dad, and i just realised this morning that he's such a great person, husband, dad.
This morning my dad, as usual for family time brought our family out for breakfast, and he told us
"I just recently bought the most expensive chewing gum of  my life"
knowing that my dad's a saver he NEVER splurges or spends unnecessarily. he has been wearing the same shoes, pants, shirts for 10 years. His new shirts are ALL gifts and he only buys 1 new shirt on his own every year - for chinese new year
so i was thinking.....
'how much would my dad spend on chewing gum.....??'
and then he asked us to take guesses
me: "10 bux"
sister: "25"
brother: "20"
that was all our guesses....
and he shook his head, so i was getting worried... like how good could this chewing gum be that he would spend so much on??
and then he told us..
"i spent 200 USD on a usual pack of chewing gum you can purchase for 2USD at a normal shopping centre"
i was shocked......
why. would. you. spend. so. much. on. chewing. gum...........?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
and then he told us
he bought the chewing gum from an old lady, like those who sell tissue paper in singapore but just that she sells chewing gum. 
my dad has encountered her several times, at the same small noodle shop he goes to frequently in Vung Tau, vietnam. 
He told us
“i usually pay 10 USD for 1 pack of chewing gum to help her out a little”
and in my head was like..... so how did that amount become 200 dollars??
he continued
 “recently on one of my trips to vietnam earlier this year, i met her again, and she was on a wheelchair, i hadn’t seen her for 8-9 months and was wondering what happened. She explained she got hit down by a car and was recovering slowly, so i paid 100 USD for one pack of chewing gum that day, it was legitimate because i saw her injury and it did not look good” 
and then i knew definitely my dad had spent that 200 USD wisely.
“i saw that old lady again this week on my trip to Vung tau at the same noodle stall, she was still on a wheelchair and she explained that her leg was permanently crooked, (tilted to one side) and needed 200 dollars for her hospital operations (she did not ask my dad for anything, she explained as my dad asked her about her condition)” 
so my dad said 
“she probably earns 1USD a day from selling chewing gum” because vietnamese currency is not very high and how much can you price the chewing gum per packet?? not much.
“and it would take her 200 good days to earn her way to her recovery, so i paid 200 USD for one packet of chewing gum”

i was so shocked, i knew my dad was a great man but i never knew he was THAT generous and sweet.... i really have a new found respect for him now and he’s like a role model i would love to look up to. :)
so, yup this is all i have to share, not in anyway bragging about money or like how great my dad is compared to yours or whatever, but just sharing a small life story that can hopefully inspire you the same way did. :)
We need more love in this universe, earth, world, region, country, city.
Love more, hate less

Love, HJ :)

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