
HuiJuan Lee

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 3 — Your parents

yup that's them!
what can i say about my parents?
i shall only state the pleasant ones
my parents have taken care of me since i was born, i am eternally greatful for that, and i know that never in my lifetime will i be able to repay that.
i can't deny that my parents love me and i know no matter how hard they are i love them too
and even when i feel like shit and blame it on them, after that i would recall on what i did to them instead
i am not a good kid. not compared to my siblings, i am the worst of the bunch and i am thankful that they are trying to fix me up.
but sometimes i really wished they'll let me be.
that's all i have to say about my parents, they're not perfect, but whose are?


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