
HuiJuan Lee

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All we need is faith

Hi guys xxxxxx
i think i have just experienced the biggest miracle of my life,
some of you guys would call it luck, i categorize it has a miracle, of faith.
Ok this is just my opinions and beliefs, so if you do not agree with me, that's alright!! :)
but i must tell you, that it can change lives.

Today i had my Geography paper and Bio paper. These too are hands down the 2 subjects i am most terrified of and have the heaviest content.
i managed to stuff 2 themes of geog in my head last night, while i also finished all chapters of content into my notebook. So that means i have studied the minimum of these two subjects.
And i know that the next day (today) was not going to be an easy feat.
So Geog in the morning, it wasn't too bad. I was prepared for a slap in the face because we were supposed to study 4 themes and i didn't, so i of course didn't know how to do the mixed questions.
Glad that was over :)

AND THEN it was bio next (but we had a 4 hour break)
so i went for lunch with my lovely peaches & studied at the library afterwards.
Obviously, when a we were having verbal quizzes, i was almost clueless for everything..... and in my head it was like (die.... how to take bio paper, confirm fail)
so i tried my best to stuff everything in my head in panic, and of course thanks to them they were so helpful to me by answering my questions that i didn't know how to do and give me definitions. :')

we entered the hall around 1:45pm++ i can't remember, and i knew that i was not ready for this paper, and i had little hope of passing this paper.
so i spent the next 15mins or so praying, praying to god.
I haven't been to church in months, (because my dad has stopped me from attending as he wants me to study at home. i know he just wants the best for me) and i feel like i have not been a good christian like everybody else. But i just kept praying and told myself i need to trust god and have faith in him.
i honestly had 20% bio content and 80% faith with me during this paper.
So when the examination started, i took a deep breath and braced myself for the worst.
So i read the first question, in my head i was thinking to myself "hahaha so they set a nice ecology question to start with"
it was manageable.
qn 2 - it was manageable
3 - manageable
4, 5, 6 - manageable
it wasn't easy but i could do it.
i was shocked, SUPER SHOCKED
like how...... how could i think this bio paper was manageable?!?!??!! i haven't studied as hard as 90% of the people i was in the hall with.
and then i knew that god had answered my prayer.
i know some of you wouldn't believe me, you would say "how can it be that god answered your prayer, the paper was set couple of years back" or whatever else.
while, i just want to tell you that everything happens for a reason, and our lives and every action have been planned out, whether you like it or not :)
but not trying to be like boastful that i could do the bio paper, i just want to share with you guys that faith as much as a mustard seed is sufficient enough to pull you through your toughest times.
And if you guys studied your ass off for this paper and wasn't as blessed as i was, please don't give up. You have done your best, i know you can do better for the MCQ paper :)

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer
Matthew 21:22 (NIV)

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