
HuiJuan Lee

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Luckiest girl on earth

Hi everyone!!! :)
2days till O's are over for all the combined sciences girls!!!!! :D
like omg i can't believe its gonna over....
but ok, that's not what i want to share about.
If you guys know me, i really appreciate my friends, because sometimes family can be really mean.
Don't get me wrong, i love my family despite how they hurt me sometimes, i'm sure everyone has had these moments.
but to me, friends are practically my family.
and again, i was proven that these special wonderful friends i have are not just friends, but to me they are practically my sisters, my family and i love them so much.
There are these special 9 girls whom i love so so much and i would never want to lose them, and i really hope that we will be friends for the rest our lives :')

Last night was a rough one for me, i struggled to tackle the demoralising comments being thrown at me, and i felt horrible. You know when you work so hard for something, you feel so proud of your hard work and finally getting something done well, and instead of someone saying "good job" someone tells you "you had to stay up because you were too lazy before, and you are too last minute". Yup that was really mean. But i have no rights to complain because i have these 9 friends who encouraged me and picked me up when i was feeling so down. I feel so blessed for them, i don't know what i did to deserve the best friends on earth but i am so thankful.

These 9 friends are my best friends in my clique, (in alphabetical order :))

Hi freda!! it was so hard for me to find a photo of you because you don't have facebook!! 
i just really want to take this time to thank you for always listening to me, and when i felt like nobody knows i was upset you would always be the first to ask "are you okay juan?"
and i love you so much for this, because it really means alot, it makes me feel like i am not forgotten, i know it sounds exaggerated, but i swear its not.
i love how we can always talk about literally everything and you are so gorgeous my love.
Please never let anyone not treat you less than the way you deserve. 
because you are worth so much more.
i am so glad you are smiling again after a big milestone and i really thank you for being such a sweetheart to me despite how i pms sometimes... hehe
i love you freda, you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Hello dear celine!! I love this photo we have together because you look extremely extremely happy,
and i am glad that you are happy because i am the one piggy-back-ing you :))))
Thank you celine for being so patient, being so understanding and being such a happypill to the people around you.
you have such a beautiful smile and i never want you to lose that pure joyful smile :)
you have been through a lot, and you have grown so much, and you are so strong, i admire your positivity and your efforts to always be happy and smiley
I know it gets lonely for you sometimes, but please never forget that there are 9 people willing to listening to you or keep you company, all you have to do is remember we love you and just send a text to us :)
i love you celine so so so much, you are such a beautiful girl, and don't ever forget that

JOJO, oh man i love you so much, you are like such a joy to be around and i wish i could squish you in my pocket so that i can have you around to make me laugh all the time.
thank you for encouraging me about my art recently, it makes such a huge difference to me, its like when you are running low on hope and drive and someone gives you an encouragement to carry on and finish it well, it means that to me.
i still feel bad about how i was mean to you in sec 3.. i am so sorry..
i never want to ever hurt someone like that again, it was just that mentally you reminded me abit of my brother and i really really loathed him at that period of that time, and i unknowingly took it out on you.
i still feel so ashamed of myself for being so mean to such a lovely person.
Jocelyn you are a joy, you hug everyone as if you are never going to see them again, you squish our boobies and almost suffocate us, but that's what i love about your special hugs, that are uniquely Jojo's :)
You are a gorgeous girl jocelyn, i know no one tells you that often enough and you forget that you are so beautiful. i love you so much jojo

Hay leyun!!! i love this picture of you HAHAH it's such a hilarious moment to remember.
I am so happy to have met you and so glad that you are a part of our clique, you are like the most adventurous and easily excited person in our whole clique!! 
i love how you are so simple minded and always helping everyone out when they need something :)
i am so happy that we have become much closer friends than sec 3, because then i hardly even spoke to you at all! and i didn't get the chance to know how lovely you were.
Thank you for being such a joy to all of us, making us have mini-heart attacks when you lean over the edge of the un-fenced paths next to the lakes at gardens by the bay, running somewhere else in supermarkets making all of us go "omg where is leyun" :)
I love you leyun!!! (in a bro way :))

CHOOCHOOILOVEYOU!!!! this is our famous kmc duck face!!! (if you know what kmc is good for you;))
i love that we have a signature face to share ;)
Thank you micaela for being such a great friend, i love your high pitch laughter that comes at the start of your laughters.
Thank you for picking me up when i was down yesterday, i am extremely grateful for it, i really am. 
it reminds me that even if my family doesn't see what i have done right, friends like you and our whole clique did.
you give me hope micaela
and i am inspired by how you are so strong and able to overcome all the tough challenges, 
i hope your uterus is alright! because i never want anything bad to happen to you!!!!!!
i love you so much micaela, and you are so so so beautiful, please believe me, you are. 
You are beautiful in and out and don't doubt it, don't even think about doubting yourself, you have to trust juanx2's words
i love you so so so much :')

Michelle my bell, do you know how far i had to scroll down facebook to find a picture of us?
do you know what that means? it means we do not have enough pictures tgt!!!
michelle you are so dear to me, 
without fail, whenever i feel the slightest bit down, you would be the first to message me or tweet me about it, you always encourage me and make me feel so much better. 
sometimes it feels like everyone is too busy to remember about me, because i have a tendency to over think and make things so horrible in my head,
but you always remind that i am not forgotten nor neglected.
Thank you michelle, so so so much
how many times have people told you, you are beautiful yet you don't believe them in your heart?
i observe the mini head shake of frown when someone tells you, you are so pretty
why michelle? why do you do that to yourself, the happiest girls are the most gorgeous ones, are you doubting that you are happy?
because i feel like you are such a lovely person to be around, always giggling and laughing.
your smile is priceless
i love you michelle, and you deserve to love yourself as much as i love you :)

Raychiu!!!!!!! ahh i love you so much and i love this picture :)
You are such a close friend and i never want to lose you,
these days we aren't as close as we used to be, but that's alright :)
but i need to tell you this, 
do not allow someone to treat you like crap, not once, don't they dare do it twice
rachel you mean so much to me, and whenever i see you hurt, my heart really breaks.
and instead of telling you that i am upset about how some people mistreat you, i keep it to myself and end up getting angry that you get treated like how you should never be treated
don't let them hurt you rachel, because you really deserve so much more
you are so beautiful rach, you mean so much to me and i never wanna lose you as a friend,
thank you for picking me up last night, acknowledging my hard work even if my family didn't, it meant so so so much to me
you are perfect to me rachel, don't change yourself for anyone, if they don't appreciate you, do not let them have the privilege of hanging out with you, because you are THAT special :)
love you babe :)

Val val soh!!!!! oh man i love you so much
i can't be happier to know you, can you imagine if you weren't in 3b2 we would have never been such great friends?!?!?!? can you imagine that?? i can't!! i can't imagine life without you now that i have met you!!
i mean it!
you are so wonderful val, everything you do for me, its too amazing
how you send my texts to encourage me before my art paper, it just keeps me going, it really does :)
i love how we fangirl over everyone on youtube hahahahahaha
it's so crazy and it makes me so happy :)
val don't doubt your absolutely crazily great brain, don't panic, have confidence in yourself!
you put in so much hard work and effort into everything you do, and don't worry, it will pay off!!
have confidence in your crazy great abilities val :)
and you are so so so so gorgeous!!!!!! believe me you are!! 
you are so perfect inside out, you don't need to compare yourself to anyone, because hj says you are beautiful and you have to trust her words for that :)
love you soooooooooooooooo much girlfriend

Vannabanana oh how you make me laugh all the time, it makes me look crazy because i laugh to myself on my phone!!
you totally made a 360 degree change in my mood yesterday, from sad to feeling fine to being absolutely delirious, that's your magical power vanna, making everyone so happy and laughing their guts out
that's you vanna, the special vannabanana
you are a happypill to me, to everyone you are around
i admire you for always being so positive and happy
you and your crazy chewed-mushy-food-in-my-mouth photos are the best :)
it makes us go 'ewwwwwww' but it makes us laugh so hard :)
you are so beautiful vanna, i love you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
now jb has a thang for taylor swift eh? ;)
lub chu so much

this are the best friends i have, they are people that i don't even deserve, but i couldn't be happier that they are in my life.
i hope that you have a special friend(s) you can appreciate and love as i love these lovely people, they make my day everyday :)
and for my dear clique reading this, i love you guys so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much it is impossible to measure it in length, i am so glad we have each other and i am so happy that we are a clique, loving each other unconditionally :) 

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