
HuiJuan Lee

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I've learnt to accept myself 
But not in a way that I love my body or that I'm proud to be this size and look this way
But in a way where I just look like that 
Chubby faced
Small eyes
Non existent nose bridge
Broad shoulders 
No visible collar bones 
Gigantic arms
Huge body which has no small waist nor big hips
No flat stomach 
Thunder thighs
Big feet
I hate these parts of me so much 
But I accepted how I'm stuck w them
People would say "oh you don't exercise enough" or "if you diet properly you can get rid of those unnecessary fats"
What if I told you I have tried every method that people have recommended 
And it's so hard when it doesn't work
Because I've accepted the way I look
I've also accepted how people treat me because of my physical appearance 
Oh I've met the most biased people who judge by physical appearance 
And man that was bad
But I couldn't do much
Unless I do for plastic surgery, I'm stuck with how I look
It has also got me thinking that physical appearance is so important
How it gets people to like you 
So I've got rid of any kind of hope that someone would like me
In terms of liking more than a friend context 
I forbid myself to like anyone because I know they won't like me back
And that I am not worth their time
So I just don't let myself like anyone
And that makes me think of how I will not be dear and precious to anyone
No one will text me throughout the day
No one will call me goodnight 
No one will give me hugs whenever I need them
No one will tell me I'm special 
No one will make me feel like I mean the world to them
No one will boast to their friends about me
No one will do romantic and sweet things for me

Yup I've accepted all these things

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