
HuiJuan Lee

Monday, January 27, 2014

Someone is pushing me underwater
I'm not stronger than the force pushing me
Can't breathe through the choppy waters and the strength of that hand pushing me
Slowly losing the will to fight
Just giving in to losing the battle
Losing the battle that no one knows I'm fighting
The battle to be good enough
To be valuable
To be outstanding
To make you proud
To do so well
There is absolutely no room for error
There is only room to do better
Nothing I'm doing is good enough
I'm not good enough
Nothing about me is satisfactory
Nothing at all
And that tears me apart
Why am I so incompetent
Why can't I be good at something
Why can't I be the one you are proud of
Why am I never good enough in your eyes
Slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea
And no one even knows that I will soon hit rock bottom

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